SEO Secrets That Have Never Been Shared in Public

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important parts of your marketing strategy if you want to gain more traffic from search engines. However, it can be difficult to know where to start and what will work best for your brand. The tips in this article will show you how to improve your SEO strategy so that you get better results when people search for products or services like yours online.

Make good use of structured data

Structured data is a way to tell search engines what your content is about, which helps them understand what kind of information they’re dealing with. Google has said that it “significantly improves the ability of Google to serve relevant results for users.”

Include the right keywords in your images

  • Use the alt tag to describe what is in the image.
  • Include keywords in file names, captions and image alt tags.
  • Make sure you have an image for every page on your website that has text content on it. If you have an article with a lot of images and no text, consider using an animated GIF instead of a static one because these are often indexed by search engines even if they don’t display on screen (like Google’s logo).

Optimize image file names.

·         Image file names are also important! As you’re creating and uploading images, make sure they’re descriptive of the image. This will help search engines understand what the image is about and rank it higher.

·         Use keywords in your file name: For example, if you were to create an image of a penguin holding a fish in its mouth labeled “Here’s my penguin holding this fish,” then use “here-penguin-fish” as the filename for that file (without spaces). Backlinks from other websites that link back to that specific page can tell Google it’s relevant content—and increase search ranking for related queries such as “penguins” or “fish.” It works on some level because people searching for those terms will likely find more relevant results when using them instead of something more generic like “image” or “photo.”

·         Avoid special characters: Don’t use hyphens (-), underscores (_) or spaces when naming your images unless absolutely necessary (for example, hyphens may be used if you need two words together before being able to use another word).

Ensure the technical aspects of site speed are up to scratch

It’s an often overlooked aspect of SEO, but site speed can have a big impact on your rankings.

Site speed is a ranking factor according to Google, so it’s important that you take steps to ensure your website doesn’t slow down and frustrate visitors with long load times. These include:

·         Using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to host your images and files has been seen as a way of speeding up page loading times in many cases. This is because the CDN will use multiple servers around the world to serve these assets instead of having one server do all the work itself. This means less data needs to travel back-and-forth between server locations before your page can be displayed in front of users’ eyes – resulting in faster load times for everyone!

·         Caching plugins such as W3 Total Cache are another great way of improving performance by storing static versions of pages so they don’t need full processing every single time someone visits them again (like how Blogger does). Again this reduces strain on servers which may be under heavy loads due other sites being hosted there too!

Connecting links

Improve internal linking structure on your website with anchor texts — not numbers or symbols.

In the early days of SEO, anchor text was an important ranking signal. However, over time it became clear that anchor text was not a good indicator of relevance for search engines. While there are some exceptions to this rule (e.g., internal linking can still be useful if you’re building out your site architecture), it’s generally not a good idea to use anchor text in links on your website.

Instead, focus on using natural language and relevant keywords as your link text instead. This is because most people don’t know what “anchor texts” are or how they work — but they do understand what words mean; and they’ll be more likely to click on them when they see something useful in that space than if you try to trick them into clicking by inserting numbers or symbols instead!

There are so many things you need to know about SEO optimization. This is a special branch of marketing that requires experience, research and constant monitoring of trends. If you’re a business owner, it’s best to leave it to an expert SEO company from Adelaide to really see fast results.

Write clickable headlines for Google (and humans)

While it’s a good idea to use keywords in your headline, keep things simple. If you’re writing a blog post about SEO, don’t make the headline “SEO: The Number One Secret for Every Business Owner.” You see where I’m going with this? Your title should be easy to understand and quick to scan by both humans and bots.

In general, keep it short (under 65 characters) and sweet! This will increase visibility as well as click-through rates when users do come across your content on social media sites or search engines. A good rule of thumb is to try not exceed more than 5 sentences per paragraph; if you find yourself doing so, take out some words or rephrase sentences until they’re more concise and easier to digest by readers at large — especially those looking for info on the subject matter contained within their corresponding titles/headlines!

Mobile friendly site

If you want to get more traffic from Google, make sure your site is mobile friendly. Google’s algorithm heavily favors mobile-friendly websites because users are using their mobile devices more often than ever before.

Consider user intent when you create content

User intent is the reason a user is on your website. It’s different from keyword research, which is what you want to find out about a topic. For example, if you sell digital products and want to know more about what people are searching for when they’re looking to buy your product, that’s keyword research. On the other hand, user intent might be something like “I want someone who can help me get more sales online.”

If you’re not sure what users’ intents are by going into Google Analytics and reviewing their search behavior patterns (what they searched for), there are tools like AnswerThePublic that will show you all of the things people are asking about—and where those questions overlap with each other. This will give you insight into how many people have similar interests as well as help guide which keywords or topics should be included in future content creation and promotion efforts!