
Proving Negligence in a Car Accident: What Role Does an Accident Reconstruction Expert Play?

If you have suffered serious injuries in a car accident, you may want to file a lawsuit to pursue compensation for your losses. But, you have to prove the cause of the crash to establish liability. Such a process can be complex when every party involved differs in their versions of events. Because of such complexity, you want to hire one of the best car accident attorneys Los Angeles to represent you. Your attorney will hire an accident reconstruction specialist to prove your version of the event. They are ready to take legal action against the negligent driver. 

How Does Accident Reconstruction Works?

Accident reconstruction is carried out to investigate, analyze, and draw conclusions on the causes and events that result in a car accident. A reconstruction specialist performs in-depth analysis to determine contributing factors such as the role of the drivers, cars, traffic, roadway, and weather conditions. 

In addition, accident reconstruction usually includes examining physical evidence such a skin marks, debris, and collision points. The cars involved will be inspected to rule out parts or components that malfunctioned such as brakes or tires. Accident reconstruction can help in drawing conclusions regarding negligence. 

When to Hire an Accident Reconstruction Specialist?

An accident reconstruction specialist may be helpful when fault is not clear right away, when both parties can’t recall events of the accident, and when the cause of the accident has not been determined. Also, your lawyer will need to hire this expert if nobody witnessed the crash when it occurred, when every party differs in their version of events, and cars are damaged beyond repair. Your attorney can review your situation and know whether they have to hire a reconstructionist. 

What Does a Reconstructionist Do?

To secure compensation in a lawsuit, you need to prove the negligence of the other driver. An accident reconstructionist is trained to investigate and identify fault for car accidents. Here’s exactly what they do:

  • Investigate the crash scene. A crash reconstruction expert will develop a crash reenactment, asses the crash scene, determine the cars’ speed and movement, as well as determine the cause of the crash. 
  • Analyze findings. The expert will analyze and interpret the findings of their investigation. Such analysis includes determining actions that the drivers could have taken to avoid the accident or minimize the seriousness of the injuries and damages, identifying driver errors, analyzing injuries and the movement of the involved parties during the crash, as well as preparing reports and testifying in trials when necessary.