
Outdoor Classroom: 5 Ways to Teach Your Children at Home in Your ADU

After the epidemic, some parents have discovered that homeschooling is an excellent option to continue their children’s education while keeping them safe. If you’ve made the decision to homeschool your children, you’ll find a variety of resources just outside your door. If your California property has an extra dwelling unit, you’re in even better condition. With an ADU, you have a wealth of options for teaching your children while still living in your primary residence. Here are five possibilities for backyard homeschooling with your kids.

1. Gardening Guidelines

You have several options for homeschooling your children if you have an ADU. Incorporating gardening skills into your homeschool curriculum is a fantastic idea. Raising herbs and vegetables in a garden bed may teach your children about the plant life cycle and the need for proper soil and sunshine for plant growth and development. They may also learn about pest control, composting, and seed sowing. Without disturbing the main living space, the ADU may be utilized to prepare, clean, and arrange the garden. Acton ADU, for example, may provide tailored ADUs with cleaning kitchens and more storage for gardening tools.

Gardening is a great way for kids to get some fresh air, which is especially important when they spend most of their day sitting at a desk or computer. Whether you select a little herb garden or numerous beds, your children will benefit from learning about nature and the great outdoors in a garden.

2. Animal Studies

Incorporating animal studies into your children’s educational experience is another enjoyable alternative. Gardening, seeing and connecting with local wildlife, and interacting with and learning from animals in your own backyard are all possibilities. Many websites can help you learn more about insects, birds, reptiles, mammals, and other animals at home or in the classroom. Animals may help your children acquire a profound appreciation for all forms of life on Earth, as well as crucial skills like caring for others and keeping an eye on the environment.

Do you have any animals? If so, they can be used to educate children about responsibility, compassion, and animal behavior. If you don’t already have a pet, it could be an excellent time to get one to keep in the ADU! Every day, the children are welcome to visit the ADU to report on their observations of the pet or to assist with chores such as feeding and cleaning. By requiring children to travel to a specific location each day, they are given a classroom-like setting. You may be able to get a chicken or even a goat, depending on local rules. Just make sure you’ve done your homework first.

Consider adding animal studies into your children’s schooling if you’re seeking inventive ways to instruct them in an ADU.

3. Nature as an Art Form

One of the finest methods to homeschool your children in your ADU is to expose them to nature-inspired art. This immersive learning environment encourages youngsters to develop their creative imagination via inquiry and interaction with the world.

Among the interests they could get into include the following:

  • Paint or sketch nature
  • Weather monitoring and documentation
  • The movements of animals

There are various methods for your child to interact with the natural world via art, regardless of their talents or interests. Take a trip to a nearby park or open the windows of your ADU to get some fresh air. There are several options for artistic development and inquiry. The best thing about having an art studio in an ADU is that it allows you to be more creative, and because Acton ADU offers customizable ADUs in Mountain View, CA, you can even include a kitchen for quick and simple clean-ups! Why not begin now and provide your children with a really unique education?

4. A Reading Nook in the Garden

Another unusual homeschooling option for your ADU is to build a cozy outdoor reading nook where your kids may unwind with their favorite books. You may decorate the space with unique blankets or cushions, as well as beanbag seats or lounge chairs for seating. This one-of-a-kind learning atmosphere will encourage your children’s love of reading while also giving them a peaceful respite from the stresses of daily life. Consider building a reading nook in your ADU if you want to homeschool your children more efficiently.

5. Scientific Experiments

You have a few options for homeschooling your children at your ADU. Science experiments are the most entertaining and engaging method to learn. Whether you’re learning new topics or reinforcing old skills, educational science experiments are a wonderful method to keep your children’s attention and foster interactive learning.

STEM activities are a terrific way to get started with scientific inquiry in your homeschooling curriculum. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is an abbreviation for the fundamentals of several academic fields. Numerous websites provide step-by-step directions for carrying out similar studies from preschool through high school. Make constellation jars, test buoyancy with a DIY boat, or construct contraptions out of everyday home objects to put fundamental physics to the test.

In more typical lab settings, you may learn about scientific topics by utilizing ordinary things. Basic science activities include filling plastic bags with varying quantities of water and gently spinning the bag to see how the shape changes. Another method is to create chemical reactions by putting various household chemicals in bowls or Petri dishes and watching how they respond over time.

Basic experiments, such as temperature testing using thermal imaging cameras based on variations in sunlight throughout the day or replicating cloud formation in small DIY terrariums as a storm approaches, can also be carried out depending on what’s going on outside your ADU. Scientific projects, regardless of how you choose to educate your children at your ADU, will definitely be both engaging and enlightening. So go ahead and enter now and let your imagination run wild!

ADU Contractor in California

If you don’t have an ADU in your California home and want to enlarge your living space, Acton ADU can assist! Being one of the top ADU builders in California, they are experts at designing units that are suited to your family’s specific needs. These can serve as a backyard homeschooling area for your children, an extra bedroom for your elderly parents, or just more storage space.

Their professional designers will collaborate with you to develop the ideal ADU that fulfills your individual requirements and compliments your current house. If you’re ready to make the most of your Mountain View, CA, property, call Acton ADU at www.actonadu.com right now, and we’ll get you started on your ideal ADU!