
Manage Data Access Rights In Your IT Company

Today, the topic of IT process optimization is undoubtedly one of the most important.
Any enterprise can find a rich source of opportunities to improve the performance of its core activities, reduce costs and reduce the influence of the human factor. Ukrainian developers keep pace with new technologies suggesting flexible outsourcing methods that allow you to hire tech specialists globally and manage your remote team instantly.

Outline user rights with data

Speaking about restrictions on access rights, we mean first of all:

  • Restricting access to files on the manager’s server. Managers don’t need to know the nuances of accounting, a lawyer doesn’t need sales, and a logistician doesn’t need a reporting system. Differentiation of rights and access is the basis of the company’s information security. 
  • Restricting access to social networks and entertainment sites. On average, employees can spend about 30% of their time on social media. And time is money. More precisely, the money spent on the salary of an employee, but without the desired result for the company. 
  • Restricting the installation and launch of programs. A necessary measure prohibiting employees from installing third-party software on their PC. Such heavy programs lead to the “slowdown” of the computer and also distract the employee from performing their direct duties. 
  • Blocking of all mailboxes, except for the corporate one. Communication with contractors should take place under your supervision, otherwise, the manager will take them away with him when moving to another place of work.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in addition to its main task, restricting access rights has a positive effect on business processes in general. It is a correct and necessary solution, thanks to which nothing will distract an employee from performing his duties in a quality manner.