
4 Signs That Your Home Router was Hacked

Today, everywhere you go, you will get a Wi-Fi connection. From grocery stores and shopping malls to hospitals and homes- it is the primary mode of internet connection.

Unfortunately, not every connection would be secure. Your home Wi-Fi connection may not be secured, and you risk being hacked. Since people use the connection to pay bills, transact businesses, and communicate with everyone over the internet, much personal information can be compromised if the network is hacked.

To prevent this, a secure Wi-Fi software solutioncan be installed to keep your network safe. Are you eager to know the signs that your router might have been hacked? Read on! 

Your router is the device that allows you to connect to the internet. In simple words, hacking a router means the hacker will access everything you do on the internet.

If you’re wondering whether your network has been hacked, few signs can indicate this. You can look out for these signs in the future if your network gets hacked.

Unable to Log in with Your Credentials

An admin interface allows you to log in with your credentials to access the internet. Password not working or incorrect credentials is never a good sign, and you should immediately contact your network provider.

Hackers often change the password to log you out of the system and to prevent you from accessing the internet.

Unknown IP Address on Your Network

Check the list of IP addresses utilizing your network frequently if you’re logged into the router’s user interface. If you notice an unfamiliar address, especially one from a different country, this most certainly indicates that a hacker has gained access to your network. Check for unidentified IP addresses as the next option for determining if your router has been compromised. 

If you see foreign IP addresses listed on your network, make sure you block the networks and change all your passwords immediately.

Internet Browsers Leading to Unknown Websites

A compromised router will lead you to dangerous websites to steal your personal information. If you take any actions on the website, harmful software will be installed on your computer.

Suppose you continually get rerouted to websites you didn’t mean to visit while trying to access your standard set of websites. In that case, it is another indication that your network has been hacked. This will happen with all your browsers.

You Receive Ransomware Messages

Another indication that your router has been hacked is receiving ransomware messages in your email, notification, or other forms of communication. 

The hacker may demand money in return for releasing your network. Hackers often withhold access to your network and will only release it in return for extortion money. Do not fall for this trap; get help from cyber security.

The only hope is you never have to go through a hacked network. It can be a real headache to make it work and get back your access. It would be best if you prevent this by regularly changing your passwords and updating secure Wi-Fi software solutions. But sometimes, you may try your best to protect your router from getting hacked but still fall for the hackers. These signs will help you identify them at the earliest and eliminate the hacker.